Media Files for Ryan Savage, Shift Supervisor, Security Industry Specialists Inc (SIS)

Security Job at the Apple Store in the Washington Square Mall, in Tigard, Oregon.

Ryan Savage (, Shift Supervisor for Security Industry Specialists Inc (SIS) has no Post Orders on job sites.

Ryan posted job on for Part Time for Tigard on Thursday, 8/1, after I quit on Friday night, it was removed on Saturday, 8/3.

Hired on June 25, 2024. Started work on July 7, 2024. As of August 3, 2024, still no Post Orders. Why?

Problems with Ryan Savage (, Shift Supervisor.
Ryan is getting complaints from upper management at the Apple Store about me. What should be on the job site and that is "Post Orders". Guess what! We don't have any Post Orders and by now I don't think Ryan has any intention to do so base on the fact that a month before I was hired, a security specialist told me that there is no Post Orders. As of today, we are looking at about 2 months and still no Post Orders. Why?

When Ryan called me about the second complaint revolving around the main reason for the first complaint and there is NO Post Orders on the job site. I told him about the Post Orders and he stated that he is revising them. I find this hard to believe given the fact that there is not any vision of the Post Orders on the job site. I have reasons to believe that Ryan is not being honest with me and is just finding excused not to do his job.

Ryan told me how SIS lost the Nike WHQ Campus contract after having it for five years. Now Inter-Con Security Systems has this account. He said it was because of him and three other top executives at SIS. When I worked at the Nike WHQ Campus from 4/2024 to 6/2024 most of the security guards there came from SIS.

Ryan Savage is blaming me on something he needs to do ASAP...he is not doing his job...where are the Post Orders!

During my job interview, Mr. Savage made an alarming statement, claiming he could kill a person with his bare hands. I have recordings of both the interview and our phone calls, where he has expressed frustration with me. His anger seems to stem from his own failure to provide the necessary Post Orders for the job.

All Apple Stores should have Post Orders. Without them it is confusing to Security and if Security ask Management it looks bad for SIS.

Ryan is getting mad at me because clients are complainting about things that Ryan is not doing and that is he is not providing job sites with Post Orders.

Ryan would rather spend time on the phone with Security Guards then to put Post Orders on job sites. By putting Post Orders on job sites this would give him more time to do what else he needs to do. Ryan is not good at time management. His way is the wrong way and is causing problems with on site Managers.

If Ryan Savage is replaced, I would be willing to return to the Apple Store. Additionally, I would appreciate it if Ryan could write an apology letter to the manager who complained about me, acknowledging that the situation occurred due to the absence of Post Orders on the job site.

My Shift Supervisor is not Mathew Garay, its Ryan Savage.

Ryan Savage, Shift Supervisor, is unfairly blaming me for missing information that should be included in the job site Post Orders, which he doesn't deem important. Notably, Ryan's disregard for proper documentation contributed to losing the Nike WHQ Campus Security contract in Beaverton, OR, as he admitted during our Job Zoom Interview.

At The Apple Store in Washington Square Mall, Tigard, Oregon, management raised concerns about me moving chairs and adjusting items on the sales floor. However, another Security Specialist who trained me does the same without any complaints from management. Despite being instructed to contact Ryan with any questions, he has not provided written Post Orders. If Ryan were better organized, these issues might have been avoided, and I would still be employed at the Apple Store.

Ryan prefers spending time on the phone rather than typing Post Orders, which results in complaints from Apple Store upper management. His actions are making Apple Store management unhappy with SIS Security onsite. Every complaint reflects poorly on SIS. Consider what happened with the Nike WH Campus account: after five years, Nike’s top executives demanded the replacement of Ryan Savage and three other top executives, threatening to switch security providers. SIS eventually lost the Nike account due to their dissatisfaction with Ryan and the other executives. Do you want Ryan Savage to remain in his current position, or would it be better to find a more suitable role for him to prevent future issues with Apple Store's management?

Download: an example of Post Order for Security Guard

Download: Security Guard Post Orders Information

In Oregon, and many States, the law regarding the recording of phone calls and other conversations is based on whether the recording is done with the consent of the parties involved. Here's a summary of the relevant regulations:

Oregon and other States Recording Law

One-Party Consent


Federal Law

Practical Implications

Apple Washington Square
9585 SW Washington Square Rd, Tigard, OR 97223

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Security Industry Specialists, Inc

John Spesak (
CEO and Founder

Tom Seltz (

Chris Cesena (
Vice President, Operations

Vic Gomes (
Vice President, Retail Operations

Jim Mulvihill (
Vice President, Special Operations

Tom Stevens (
Vice President, Administration

Holly Drew (
Senior Director, Administration

Mike Kirkendall (
Senior Director, Fusion, Training, Design

Shannon McCaffrey (
Senior Director, Special Operations

Gabriel Queiroz (
Senior Director, LATAM

Bob Bastida (
Director, Fusion Center

Terence McCarty (
Director, Operations

Alan Quach (
Director, Finance Business

Kevin Burke (
Director, Protective Strategies

Kim Pecheos (
Director, Training

Kevin Reid (
Director, Risk Management

Patrick Clark (
Director, Technology

Julia Prybyla (
Director, Human Resources

Jeff Venturini (
Director, Talent Acquisition

Chris Cochrane (
Director, Retail Operations

Deana Bailey (
Director, Retail Operations

Neal Wilson (
Director, Secure Logistics


Security Industry Specialists

Feb 7, 2024

Team work makes the dream work! Our Retail team tirelessly supported a landmark product release for our client across 235 locations on an 11-day sprint, and we could not be more proud of you - you brought the WOW!

Supervisors - Craig Hook, John McDonough, Matthew Garay, Jeffrey Grupp, Jennifer Blackburn, Ryan Savage, William Reylea, Rashon Dickason, Eric Serrano, Yanell Lawrence, Clifford Pough, Theodore Williams, Rafael Rodriguez, Justin Schneider, Joe Carpenter, Jesse Brownell, Orlando Ochoa, Billy Smith and Jason Smith.

Scheduling Pod Supervisor - Ana Oregel

Managers - Yannick Smith, Henry Del Riego, Sal Dominguez, Ryan Flaska, and Glen Pacis

Sr. Managers - Chris Orsogna, Mike Hernandez, and CJ Spilewski

Director - Chris Cochrane



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